This Summer, Kiddio organized Books Giving days. It was exciting and so many people came to get the books. So in this Autumn, we special organize another Books Giving Days with Rolling Books. Rolling Books is a social enterprise to promote reading experience and bring the second-handed books to the people in need and inspire children to seek their lifelong companionship with books.
Mark the following dates and don't miss it
Date: 23 October -1 Novermber 2024
Session 1: 10:30am - 1:00pm
Session 2 : 2:30pm - 5:30pm
Except Saturdays and Sundays
Venue: Kiddio
Every family can pick up maximum 10 books. Please register after selected the books. Priority will be given to Kiddio's members
Please note that there will be traffic control if it is too crowded.
Members are welcomed to bring books from home (except test books, exercises, religious, political books, and magazines )
Kiddio and Rolling Books reserve the final decision of book
collection and handling. #免費圖書送贈 #ChildrenBooksGiving #FreeBooks #紅磡 #土瓜灣 #會員專享 #會員福利 #MembersOnly #MemberPrivilege #九龍城 #九龍 #RollingBooks #Kiddio #童學園 #HungHom #KowloonCity #ToKwaWan #Kowloon